Gepato-gastroenterologik tadqiqotlar jurnali 2021, № 4

Тема статьи



Kuchimova Ch.A., Kubaev R. M., Ochilov U.U.


Самаркандский государственный медицинский институт


The reason for the in-depth study of dysthymia, which occurs in adolescence, is that the disease is almost as common and it is difficult to identify this pathology in the early stages. Due to the difficulty of early diagnosis of dysthymia in adolescents, suicidal risk, prognostic evaluation, treatment and relevance of prophylaxis, this pathology is widely covered in foreign and our own literature. The nosological and Syndrome problems of adolescent dysthymia can be explained by the fact that fullness has not been studied, the tactics of choosing adequate therapy are difficult, this pathology is analyzed and studied psychopathologically in depth. Therefore, it requires a comprehensive in-depth study of clinical-pathogenic legislation, characteristic of this pathology. In addition, the atypical nature and specificity of the clinical picture of dysthymia in adolescents lead to an erroneous assessment of the pathology and even to the denial of this condition. Despite the fact that the available data confirm the genetic basis of major depression, there is no definite evidence of the genetic basis of dysthymia. Dysthymia can be one of the phenotypic manifestations of the underlying hereditary diseases or various syndromes that have common symptoms with major depression. The prevalence of dysthymia in children is 0.6-1.7%, in adolescents - 1.6-8%.

Ключевые слова

Keywords: dysthymia, structure, adolescent, subdepression, anxiety, fear, mechanism, syndrome


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