Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №1

Тема статьи



KHAKIMOVA Sohiba Ziyadulloevna KHAMDAMOVA Bakhora Komiljonovna KODIROV Umid Arzikulovich,


Samarkand State Medical Institute


Purpose: to identify the features of the results of examination of patients with dorsopathies of rheumatic origin. Methods: The study included 76 patients with chronic pain syndrome associated with dorsopathy of rheumatic origin, who underwent an in-depth clinical and neurological examination. Results: Clinical and neurological examination showed that chronic pain was aching in nature with volatility in muscles and joints, aggravated by cold and wet weather. The level of pain according to VAS remitted day and night. Motor and sensory disorders, more pronounced in the proximal limbs, with vegetative-vascular manifestations, more in the cervical spine. Neuroimaging on MRI: ossification of the outer layers of the intervertebral discs, formation of bone bridges, signs of inflammation of the intervertebral discs in the form of spondylodiscitis, protrusion of the anterior osteophytes in the form of a "beak"; on ENMG - a mixed lesion of peripheral nerves in the form of primary demyelination and secondary axonal degeneration. Conclusions. Our results revealed clinical and neurological features of the course of chronic pain syndrome and additional research methods in patients with chronic pain syndrome in dorsopathies of rheumatic origin.

Ключевые слова

chronic pain, dorsopathy, rheumatism, demyelination


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