Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Тема статьи



NURALIEVA Rano Matyakubovna MELIKOVA Dilshodakhon Uktam kizi


Samarkand State Medical Institute


Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation in urgent situations of patients with multiple organ failure syndrome. Methods: The case-control study included patients aged 16 to 64 years with urgent situations receiving emergency medical care. Results: Patients with burn disease, in whose blood the total protein content ranged from 45.0 to 60.0 g / l, were injected with aminoacid preparations that enhance the effectiveness of the therapy. The effectiveness of amino acid solutions is judged by the results of indicators of total serum protein and its fractions. The protein content is consistently maintained at the same level throughout the entire treatment period, and in some even increases somewhat. Nutritional support provided at an early stage of treatment prevented the development of not only hypoproteinemia, but also anemia, which is a companion of thermal trauma. Conclusions. Our results confirm the implementation of early nutritional support in the complex therapy of burn disease, which minimizes the catabolic reaction of the body to shockogenic thermal trauma.

Ключевые слова

Keywords: hypermetabolism, hypoproteinemia, aminoacid preparations, burn disease.


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