Doktor axborotnomasi 2022, №3 (106)

Тема статьи



M. D. Murodova, B. A. Yuldashev


Samarkand state medical university, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Kidney pathologies in childhood are distinguished by their causes and features, including the impact on growth, the occurrence of cardiovascular complications and the risk of developing chronic renal failure. The innovative diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the prognosis of the disease and overcome the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment. The study aimed to study the hemodynamic parameters of the heart in children with renal pathologies. Cardiometry was performed on 98 children with acute glomerulonephritis, depending on the level of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), to determine the hemodynamic parameters of the heart. As a result, the changes in the hemodynamic parameters of the heart were related to a reduced level of GFR in the kidneys.

Ключевые слова

acute glomerulonephritis, children, cardiometry, hemodynamic parameters of the heart.


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