Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2023 №1

Тема статьи



Akhmedov I. Adkham, Fayazov Dj. Abdulaziz


Samarkand State Medical University


The dynamics of structural changes in the glands of the duodenum was studied at various times after experimental thermal injury. In the early stages after thermal injury, hypertrophy and an increase in the secretory activity of the glands occur. In later periods, dystrophic changes appear, manifested by a decrease in the number of duodenal glands and the death of their glandulocytes. The noted atrophic processes can be caused by both toxemia and hemodynamic disturbances, leading to pronounced edema of the intestinal submucosa.

Ключевые слова

Keywords: burn injury, duodenum, duodenal glands


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