Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Тема статьи



Xakimov Sh. Murod, Matrizayev J. Temurmalik


Tashkent Medical Academy


Objective: to develop a new experimental model of heterotopic spleen autotransplantation by implanting spleen fragments into the subcutaneous fat. Methods: Experimental studies were carried out in the TMA vivarium on 88 outbred rats weighing 300-400 grams, aged 3 to 4 months, in compliance with the requirements of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes. Results: Experimental studies were carried out on the implantation of spleen fragments into the subcutaneous fat in 4 animals. Implantation was carried out in the incision area along the midline of the abdomen. Splenectomy was performed under standard conditions. A pocket was cut out in the supraponeurotic space, where a fragment of the spleen was implanted into the subcutaneous fat with suturing of the surgical wound. On the 15th and 30th days, material was taken for morphological study. On the 15th day, with subcutaneous localization of a fragment of the spleen, shrouded in a greater omentum, the integumentary stratified squamous epithelium of the skin of uniform thickness, with moderate keratosis, the skin appendages are small, arranged in small groups. On the 30th day of the experiment, the epidermis was slightly thinned in places, and slight hyperkeratosis was noted. The sebaceous glands are enlarged. Collagen fibers are thinned, discomplexed, single lymphocytes are found around the vessels. There are single suture foci with a perifocal reaction. Studies have shown that with isolated localization of the spleen autograft, necrosis and tissue lysis are noted. As you know, the greater omentum, being a barrier, helps to limit the intraperitoneal focus of inflammation, forming infiltrative adhesive processes, which can prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the abdominal cavity, it is able to encapsulate foreign bodies. Conclusions: Splenectomy is accompanied by significant disturbances in hemostasis and the immune system of the body of the experimental animal, which justifies the expediency of performing heterotopic spleen autotransplantation. However, in cases of infection or necrosis of the implant when performing traditional methods of heterotopic spleen autotransplantation, repeated surgical intervention is required under general anesthesia by means of laparotomy, which has a certain frequency of postoperative complications, which leads to the search for less traumatic methods of implantation. fragments of the spleen into the subcutaneous fat, wrapped in a pedunculated omentum, in cases of necrosis or infection of the allograft, allows you to limit yourself to minimal surgical intervention under local anesthesia.

Ключевые слова

GATS, splenectomy, white pulp, omentum, heterotopic autotransplantation


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