Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Тема статьи



Tilyakov Aziz Buriyevich, Tilyakov Xasan Azizovich, Nazarov Sarboz Parda


Samarkand State Medical Institute


Purpose of the study: The aim of our study was to improve the results of treatment of patients with polytrauma in the acute and early periods of traumatic disease by developing improved tactics based on the use of minimally invasive treatment methods. Materials and methods: Based on the results of the analysis of diagnostics and treatment in the Samarkand branch for the period 2009-2016. there were 460 patients with polytrauma. There were 267 men (58%), women 236 (193%), of the total number of patients, the largest percentage was 56.3% of the victims aged 21 to 40 years. 276 (60.2%) victims were injured as a result of an accident. The results of the study: The results of the study showed that, in patients with polytrauma, complications arose in the post-traumatic period. Most often with injuries of the abdominal cavity, chest cavity, fractures of the pelvic bones. In total, patients with complications were found in 183 (39.7%). multiple organ failure 44 (9.6%), fat embolism 33.58 (7.3%), cerebral edema 17 (3.7%), postoperative wound suppuration 19 (4.1%) peritonitis 20 (4.2%) ), aspiration syndrome 8 (1.7%), sepsis 12 (2.6%), osteomyelitis 15 (3.3%), limb thrombosis 14 (3.0%), ARDSV 11 (2.5%). Conclusions: Approved tactics for the treatment of patients with limb injuries in polytrauma, based on the assessment of the severity of the condition and the severity of the injury, early stabilization of musculoskeletal injuries in the acute period of traumatic disease using minimally invasive methods of treatment.

Ключевые слова

Keywords: Pelvis, shock, fat embolism, osteosynthesis.


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