Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №1

Тема статьи



TURAEV Bobir Temirpulatovich OCHILOV Ulugbek Usmanovich ALKAROV Rustam Bakhtiyarovich KARSHIEV Ziyadullo Khazratovich


Samarkand State Medical Institute


Objective: To study the clinical and psychopathological features of the prevalence of depression in patients with alcoholism and epizootic alcohol consumption during the Covid-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: Depressive disorders in a person with alcoholism or episodic alcohol consumption during a pandemic were examined using the Hamilton Depression Scale. Results: Severe and very severe depression was observed in 100% of patients with alcoholism during the intensified quarantine period, with 80% mild depressive disorder and 20% moderate depressive disorder in an epizootic alcohol drinker. detected. Conclusion. Patients with alcoholism had depressive disorders in the pre-pandemic period, which worsened during the intensified quarantine period. As a result, most patients were forced to increase their alcohol intake and developed a high level of tolerance.

Ключевые слова

Covid-19 pandemic, alcoholism, depressive disorder.


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