Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №2

Тема статьи



Rakhimov Nodir, Minnullin Irkin, Davronov Eshboy, Mirzakulov Buned, Babazhanov Akmal.


Samarkand State Medical Institute Samarkand branch of the Republican Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology


ANNOTATION Aim: to study the clinical, radiological and computed tomography features of the myasthenic form of thymoma and thymoma with myasthenic syndrome. Materials and methods: 67 patients - 40 (59.7%) men and 27 (40.3%) women - 40 (59.7%). Men, 27 (40.3%) women. The ratio of male to female was 1.48:1, respectively. Myasthenic thymoma was 36 (53.7%), thymoma with myasthenic syndrome 31 (46.3%). The mean age was 49.6±1.4 years. Most patients with MT had a generalized severe (61%) or moderate (39%) form of myasthenia gravis. Results: The diagnosis of thymoma was established in the following terms after the appearance of complaints. Up to 1 year - in 17 (54.8%), from 1 to 3 years 12 (38.7%) 39% and more than 3 years 2 (6.4%). 34 (50.7%), lymphoid tumors were 15 (22.3%), epithelial 12 (17.9%), granulomatous thymoma 2 (2.9%), spindle cell thymoma 4 (5.9%). The average size of the MT, determined by CT and on a macropreparation, was less than the average size of the TMS. Thus, the average size of the MT was: non-invasive - 6x5x4cm, invasive - 8x7x5cm; The average size of TMS: non-invasive - 7x6x5cm, invasive - 10x8x8cm. According to our data, computed tomography of the thymus allows not only to diagnose small (less than 3 cm in diameter) intrathymic tumors, but also to differentiate tumor-like hyperplasia of the thymus and its tumor. In addition, CT of the thymus helps to recognize the thymic nature of a number of asymptomatic tumors of the anterior mediastinum. CONCLUSIONS: The use of radiographic techniques in MT in 1/3 of observations gives a negative result. The use of CT significantly increases the detection of myasthenic thymoma. TMS is usually seen on plain radiographs, and it is difficult to establish the thymic nature of an asymptomatic anterior mediastinal tumor. CT often allows to recognize the invasive nature of TMS. Thymus is a relatively simple, safe and effective research method, the use of which can improve the early diagnosis of thymomas.

Ключевые слова

KEY words TOMOGRAPH, lymphoid tumors ,spindle cell thymoma, thymoma


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