Kardiorespirator tadqiqotlar jurnali. Maxsus son. 2022

Тема статьи



Khudaykulova G.K., Muminova M.T., Otajanov Sh.Z.


Tashkent Medical Academy


Viral intestinal infections play an important role in infectious morbidity in children of different ages.Case histories of 135 children were analyzed, the examination algorithm of which included polymerase chain reaction using primers manufactured by AmpliSense® Rotavirus/Norovirus/Astrovirus-FL or AmpliSense®, AmpliSense® Enterovirus-FL » manufactured by Interlabservis. It was found that when using the polymerase chain reaction, the diagnosis was etiologically deciphered in 80 (59%), and the proportion of viral diarrhea among the deciphered acute intestinal infections was 77.35%. It has been shown that children under 3 years of age (45%) suffer predominantly from viral diarrhea. The prevalence of rotavirus infection (40.44%) was revealed, and the proportion of adenoviral gastroenteritis was also high (21.18%). It was established that rotavirus is the first in importance in the age group of children under 6 years of age (56%), in school-age patients adenovirus was in first place (45.2%). The incidence of rotavirus infection remained high throughout the study period (44.6–58.9%), the incidence of adenovirus gastroenteritis increased from 24% in 2018 to 32% in 2019. In most cases (82%), viral gastroenteritis occurred in moderate form, the main complication was dehydration syndrome of 1–2 degrees. It has been proven that using modern diagnostic methods, at least 60% of cases of infectious diarrhea in HIV-infected people are deciphered, and the main etiological agents are rotaviruses and adenoviruses. Our results are fully consistent with the data of foreign sources on the epidemiology of AII in children before the start of mass vaccination of rotavirus infection.

Ключевые слова

intestinal infections, children, viral diarrhea, HIV-infection, PCR


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